Mahavatar Babaji


Babajee Maharaj is the Adiguru or the first Guru or Paramesthi Guru of Karar Ashram in Kriyayoga tradition. He is even regarded as the Paramesthi Guru of all kriyavans of the whole world. His photo adores and honours the topmost point of holy puja shrine of the meditation hall of the ashram and the samadhi temple of Sriyukteswarjee. He is a kalpa yogi and a special incarnation. Therefore, he is designated as Mahavatar or the Great Incarnation. He is the living embodiment of karma, jnana, yoga and bhakti in the field of religion and spirituality. That is why he is regarded as a distinguished universal Guru who can give solace and salvation to all walks of people of the world at large through him and his disciple successors. Still now he roams in the Himalayas. The aim of continuing the mortal frame is to lead the prophets, great spiritual masters and great sons of India and the world. As per Paramahansa Yogananda, He is the Guru of Kavir, Adi Shankaracharyya and other few chief spiritual leaders of India. It is believed that by his noble and esteemed guidance and direction, Sri Adi Shankaracharya revived and introduced the ancient monk or sannyasa order of Yogi Yajnavalkya into ten branches and founded and preached the monistic philosophy or Adwait Vedanta contained in Vedas as specified and distinctified by the great sage Vyasadev. Mahavatar Babajee appeared before my Guru Paramahansa Hariharanandajee Maharaj twice in the premises of Karar Ashram and blessed and graced my Revered Gurudev to preach Kriyayoga in the whole world for the spiritual upliftment of mankind.

Sri Lahiri Mahasaya (1828-1895)


Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri or popularly known as Lahiri Baba was born on 30th September 1828 in the village of Ghurni (Ghuruni) near the bank of the river Jalangi at Krishna Nagar in the district of Nadia in West Bengal. His father’s name is Sri Gour Mohan Lahiri and that of his mother is Muktakeshi Devi. Due to the frequent change of the course of the river Jalangi, Lahiri family shifted from their native village of Ghuruni to Benaras in the year 1833 when Lahiri Baba was a babe of five years and since then Lahiri Baba spent his whole life in Benaras.

In 1861, Lahiri Baba took kriya initiation from his Great Guru Sri Babajee Maharaj in one cave near to Dronagiri mountain of the Himalayas of Ranikshet region in the district of Almora in the province of Uttaranchal by a miraculous way of his great guru near the holy flow of the river Gogas being sanctified by the sacred shrine of the sage Sri Garga, the family Guru of Lord Krishna. By the magnetic touch of Sri Babajee and the force of the kriya sanskars of the past, he attained nirvikalpa samadhi the highest stage of Kriyayoga. He is known as the Incarnation of Yoga or the Yogavatar a full-fledged yogi of the present age with utmost yogic miraculous power. He has written precious commentary on some scriptures of twenty-nine in number like Srimat Bhagavatgita, Manu Smriti, Tejabindu and nadavindu Upanishad and other old scriptures. His commentary on Bhagavatgita is unique and topmost in the whole world and is written in Bengali language in the light of Kriyayoga. He took Mahasamadhi on the twenty sixth September 1895.

Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri (1855-1936)


Swami Sriyukteswar Girijee Maharaj was born on tenth May 1855 in Srirampur near the bank of the sacred river Ganges locally called the river Hooghly in the district of Hooghly in the state of West Bengal in a landlord family. His parents’ given name was Sri Priyanath Karar. His father’s name was Kshetravasi Karar. Mother was Kadambini Devi. After some years of his uncompleted medical study, in the month of July 1883 at the age of 28, he took initiation into Kriyayoga from his Guru Sri Lahiri Baba. He attained Nirvikalpa Samadhi and thereafter he was authorized by his guru to initiate people into Kriyayoga. He had keen insight and foresight and attained wisdom through deep kriya practice. He was known as the Incarnation of knowledge or Jnanavatar. Among his prominent and authorized realised disciples were (1). Sri Motilal Mukherjee, (2). Swami Satyananda Giri, (3). Paramahansa Yogananda, (4). Swami Paramananda Giri, (5). Swami Bhavananda Giri, (6). Swami Narayan Giri, (7). Sri Amulya Charan Santara, (8). Sri Bijaya Kumar Chatterjee, (9). Swami Hariharanandajee Maharaj.

In the year 1906, he entered monastic life by Srimat Swami Krishna Dayal Giri at Buddhagaya, Bihar and his name was changed from Sri Priyanath Karar to Swami Sriyukteswar Giri. On the directions of Mahavatar Babaji, he wrote ‘Kaivalya Darshan’ or ‘The Holy Science – a treatise’ showing parallels between the ancient Hindu and Christian scriptures. An Astrologer and Astronomer par excellence, he discovered the correct method of calculating the World Ages and the cyclical order of evolution. As a fully realized Kriya Yogi, he established the Karar Ashram at Puri for dissemination of the ancient teachings of which he was the founder, President and Sadhusabhapati. Was instrumental in spreading the message of Kriya across the Globe through his disciple, Paramhansa Yogananda.

Sriyukteswarjee took mahasamadhi at 7 P.M. on 9th March 1936 in the premises of Karar Ashram in the presence of his disciple Swami Narayan Giri. For the memory of this great guru, a samadhi temple is erected in the extreme northern side of the ashram where his whole body was buried after his mahasamadhi. At present this samadhi shrine has been the center of attraction and meditation for his blessings and grace. Every year thousands of kriya devotees and seekers from different parts of the world pay a visit to this sacred shrine of Sriyukteswarjee to have his blessings and grace with a view to improve their kriya meditation and to ward off their worldly problems. At present, Karar Ashram has been the sacred shrine of Kriyayoga by teaching and preaching its practical training to the truth-seekers of all walks of the whole world. At present Karar Ashram has occupied as a topmost place of pilgrimage for kriyayogis and Truth Seekers in the whole world. At present most of the disciples and devotees of kriyayoga order regard Karar Ashram not as an ashram, but as a pilgrimage or sacred place of kriyayoga.

Paramhansa Yogananda (1893-1952)


Swami Yogananda Giri popularly known as Paramahansa Yogananda was born to his father Sri Bhagavati Charan Ghosh and to his mother Srimati Jnanaprabha Devi in Gorakhapur in the state of Uttar Pradesh on 5th January 1893. His household name was Sri Mukund Lal Ghosh. His parents were the devoted disciples of Lahiri Baba who blessed Yoganandajee after his birth in the lap of his mother.

From childhood he was spiritual minded and in the year 1909, he took kriya initiation from Sriyukteswarjee. One after another, he took all higher kriyas and raised the highest state of spirituality with the stage of Self-Realisation. His extremely loving and endearing qualities earned him the title ‘Premavatar’ or the incarnation of love. His exalted spiritual stature encouraged his Master to confer on him the coveted title of ‘Paramhansa’. After Mahasamadhi of his Beloved Guru Sriyukteswar Girijee Maharaj on the 9th of March 1936, he became the second Sadhusabhapati, or the President of Sadhusabha, Sadhumandal, Karar Ashram being succeeded to his Guru Sriyukteswar Giri. By the direction and blessings of his Great Guru Sriyukteswarjee, he went to America in the month of August 1920 for the worldwide propagation of precious Kriyayoga system. On 7th March 1952, he took mahasamadhi in Los Angeles in U.S.A. Due to his untiring efforts, the whole world was introduced to the wonderful technique of Kriya Yoga.

Swami Satyananda Giri (1896-1971)


Swami Satyananda Giri, previously in his family name known as Sri Mana Mohan Majumadar, was born on 17th November 1896 in Malka Nagar, Bikrampur in the district of Dacca now in Bangaladesh in the residence of his maternal uncle.

In the year 1911, he was initiated into Kriyayoga by Sriyukteswar Girijee. In March 1919, he entered sanyasa order by Sriyukteswarjee. During kriya meditation, he accomplished all the exalted stages of spirituality including nirvikalpa samadhi and was authorised by Sriyukteswarjee to give kriya initiation to truth-seekers.

He was very strict and stuck to principles or morality. Though he was a spiritual master and guide, he was very sincere and honest in his own work and spiritual affairs. Therefore, he was called Karmavatar or Incarnation of Action.

Swami Satyananndajee liked to stay with his Guru Sriyukteswarjee. Therefore, he spent some years in Karar Ashram with his Guru for the spiritual upliftment of his own kriya meditation with Sriyukteswarjee in the beginning of his monk life. While staying in Karar Ashram, he was given the charge of Karar Ashram by Sriyukteswarjee himself to look after its day-to-day activities and its management affairs. In the year 1922, he was the acting vice-president and acting upasadhusabhapati of Sadhumandal, its executive committee sadhusabha, karar ashram. He was designated as Karar Swami or Ashram Swami and these were conferred on him by Swami Sriyukteswari Girijee maharaj himself. On the next day of the mahasamadhi of his Guru Sriyukteswarji, Paramahansa Yogananda came to Karar Ashram and did all the funeral and burrial works of the Great Guru Sriyukteswarji. Thereafter Paramahansa Yogananda became the third president and sadhusabhapati of sadhumandal, Karar Ashram. As he was to go back to U.S.A. for his organisational work, therefore for this point of view, he appointed Swami Satyananda Giri as the acting president and acting sadhusabhapati of sadhumandal, Karar Ashram. After the mahasamadhi of Swami Sriyukteswarji, Paramahansa Yoganandaji left India and stayed in America till his mahasamadhi. After the mahasamadhi of Paramahansa Yogananda on the seventh March 1952 in U.S.A., Swami Satyananda Giri was the third President or Sadhuusabhapati of Sadhusabha, Sadhumandal, Karar Ashram and he continued and discharged his work of Karar Ashram as the president and sadhusabhapati till his mahasamadhi. On 2nd August 1971, Swami Satyananda Giri entered Mahasamadhi.

Swami Hariharananda Giri (1908-2002)


Swami Hariharanandajee Maharaj alias Sri Rabindra Nath Bhattacharya was born on 27th May 1907 in a village called Habibpur in the district of Nadia of West Bengal. His father was Sri Haripad Bhattacharya and mother was Nabin Kali Devi. In 1920, he was initiated into jnan yoga by his family guru Sri Bijay Krishna Chattopadhyay.

In 1932, he met Sriyukteswarjee at his Srirampur ashram and was initiated into Kriyayoga by him being inspired by his family Guru Sri Vijay Krishna Chattopadhyay.

In 1938, he renounced everything and joined karar ashram to lead ashram life being a resident Brahmachari in the name of Rabin Brahmachari. As an ashramite in Karar Ashram, he took higher kriyas from Swami Satyananda Giri and Sri Bhupendra Nath Sanyal. He completed all stages of Bhramari, Shambhavi and khechari in due time and lastly, he attained the stage of Nirvikalpa samadhi in 1948.

In the year 1949, he met Mahavatar kalpa yogi Sri Babajee Maharaj twice in the premises of Karar Ashram and received his blessings and grace. Thereafter he visited the cave of Sri Babajee Maharaj in Ranikshet and heard the divine voice of Sri Babajee to proceed on his kriya activity of preaching and teaching in east and west.

On 27th May 1959 on his auspicious birthday, he took sanyasa from the then His Holiness Jagatguru Shankaracharya Maharaj Sri Sri 108 Swami Bharati Krishna Tirtha, the Gobarddhan Peethadhiswar of the sacred Puri dham (being Shankaracharjya from the year 1926 to 1960) and since then he was known as Swami Hariharananda Giri.

His four Gurus named Swami Narayan Giri, Swami Satyananda Giri, Paramahansa Yogananda and Sri Bhupendra Nath Sanyal gave him permission to initiate people into the sacred technique of Kriyayoga. Paramahansa Yogananda specifically authorized Swami Hariharananda Giri through one of his letters to give Kriyayoga initiation to the truth-seeking persons.

After the mahasamadhi of Swami Satyananda Giri on 2nd August 1971, Swami Hariharananda Girijee Maharaj succeeded Swami Satyananda Girijee Maharaj as per the nomination of Swami Satyananda Giri by a registered will and became the fourth president or sadhusabhapati of Sadhusabha, Sadhumandal, Karar Ashram.

On 22nd March 1983 according to the desire and nomination by Paramahansa Hariharanandajee Maharaj and as per his resignation from the post of President or Sadhusabhapati of Sadhusabha, Sadhumandal, Karar Ashram, Swami Yogeswarananda Giri, was elected and appointed by Board of Trustees as a trustee and president or sadhusabhapati of sadhusabha, sadhumandal, Karar Ashram. Paramahansa Hariharanandajee Maharaj took his mahasamadhi at 6.48 P.M. on 3rd December 2002 on Tuesday in Home Stead near the town of Miami in the state of Florida in U.S.A. According to Indian Calender it is on 4th December 2002, on Wednesday at 5.18 A.M.

Swami Yogeswarananda Giri (1954)


Swami Yogeswarananda Giri was born in 1954 in the district of Khurda in Orissa as Sudhanshumauli Patra. He grew up differently than most others. Exhibiting extraordinary spiritual thirst from his childhood, he found little peace in the mundane world. Being obviously blessed, he received initiation from his Gurudev, Swami Hariharananda Giri while still in school. His spiritual progress was so rapid that by the time he joined the Karar Ashram as a permanent inmate, he had already been granted initiation into the third stage of Kriya. Upon joining the Ashram to lead the celibate life, his spiritual progress was further quickened and soon, with the attainment of the highest state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi in 1982, He had reached the pinnacle of spirituality. His spiritual attainments were acknowledged by the other great Masters like Swami Paramananda Giri, Swami Bhavananda Giri and Swami Narayan Giri.

Very soon he became an adept in Cosmic Astrology and thus a befitting disciple in the glorious line of Swami Yukteswar ji, who being a great astrologer himself. Swami Yogeswarananda was duly authorised by his revered Guru to preach astrology. His efficiency in managing the affairs of the Ashram convinced his Gurudev to declare him as his only successor and to relinquish the post of the President even during his lifetime. Being the fifth and the current President and Sadhusabhapati of the Karar Ashram, he continues to discharge the duties and obligations cast upon him by the master’s to perfection.

Subsequently, under the holy auspices of the Shankaracharya of Govardhan Peeth was formally installed as the Sadhusabhapati of Karar Ashram. As Acharya of this glorious institution, Swamiji preaches Kriya Yoga, Vedic scriptures, Cosmic Astrology and imparts practical training in moral and spiritual matters. This soft-spoken saint has continued to adom the high seat of Acharya of Karar Ashram since the past more than three decades.

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